Wednesday, August 6, 2008

EpcotServo's Aug. 5th STUDIOS Update: New Camera Meets World


The much-explored frontier...

These are the voyages of the PowerShot NEWCAMERA...

It's five year mission to explore strange new parks, take pictures of walls and trash cans...

and to boldly go where only one camera has gone before!


Dun-naaaa! Na na na na naaaaa!

Sorry. Just wanted to show an example right off the bat that is a Update is a tad un-usual. Why? A BRAND NEW CAMERA!

Yes, this is the first update with the high-tech-super-powerfull-fancyfied-HIGH DEFINITION-Canon PowerShot S5 IS!

So 475 pictures (And 1 video) later, here we are! So let's get started with the news!


-Crowds were medium. Crazy, but not that bad.

-Toy Story Midway Mania was packed all day long. Fastpasses were gone by 1 o' clock, I overheard a guest say.

-All of the TSM shirts (With the exception of the Jessie one) are gone. So if you didn't buy the Extremely-Overpriced Potato Head shirt, or the Rex, or Woody Shirts (-cough-me-cough-) Disney's basicly shortchanged you on good Midway Mania shirts. Instead they've been replaced by EXTREMELY cheap and tacky Potato Head shirts that A: Look nothing like the actual Mr. Potato Head in the ride and B: Aren't funny in any way. For some reason they have "Toy Story Midway Mania" on them, even though they have nothing to do with Midway Mania.

-The toy Spring-Action-Shooters are here now, they're great even though the shirt situation above stinks.

-As mentioned elsewhere, both the outdoor Limo at RNR and the Balloon at Muppets are gone for painting/repair.

-Wall-E is astoundingly popular, since there was actually a five-deep line to get their pictures taken with the small cardboard-like cutout the entire time I was in the animation building. We need that AA meet and greet NOW!

OK, that's it for the words. Now on all the brand-new-HD-pictures!


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