Thursday, June 19, 2008

EpcotServo's June 19th MINI-MGM Update!

Hey there! Went to Studios for a little bit, and have a few tiny Updates. Not much to get to, so let's get too it and get out before the crowds rush in!

Snoozing Studios.

Open this park up!

A gangster and gansterette out for a morning stroll.

Waiting at Alfred Hitchcok's Rope Drop.

The HANES sponsorship is starting to show! (Cover you shame!.......with HANES!) These "concert" tees are now hanging up throughout the waiting area for the pre show.

Buy more t-shirts!

Everyody loves Midway Mania!

The Hey-Howdy-Hey-Take-Away will serve-up-snacks-yum.

It's working! cool beans. Here's a videofilm!

Do you have Sea of strollers blue?

Just another Midway Morning at Pixar Place.

"Narnia: Journey into Dismal Earnings" is almost ready (on the outside at least), I saw many imagineers/managers/big wigs checking the place out.

OK, that's all folks! Thanks for watching this mini-updatepage-update!
Good night, and good luck!

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